TCNN Fees applications: update

The last batch of applications and reapplications, submitted since 15 April, will be processed today and tomorrow in time for exams starting next week.

The most common reason for applications not being successful is that they are incomplete due to the applicant not reading the form carefully enough.

Payments to Nigeria

NOTE: The Central Bank of Nigeria does not allow Naira transfers. We can therefore make payments to accounts in Nigeria only if the account accepts USD (send us SWIFTBIC and NUBAN/IBAN numbers). In certain cases, we may be able to make payments to third parties, but recipients are then themselves responsible for ensuring that the full amount ultimately comes to them.


Due to a spate of many fraudulent applications, we are now having to require of applicants more details and evidence (formal documentation including ID cards, letters from pastors/imams etc.). We are very sad that this is necessary.